Monday, November 2, 2009

A New Month

Well its hard to believe that November is already here & Christmas is soon to be upon us. I have been very busy since my last post, working on several sewing projects, a new recipe, & the upcoming church Christmas play. I am in the process of teaching my sign language students a special song for our program that will be done with blacklighting. They are all learning rather quickly, especially considering most have never signed before this. I am also choreographing a dance, helping direct the play, & have a speaking part in it as well. I hope many people will come out to see it, since our group has put so much hard work into it.

Even though the play should turn out wonderfully, it will be, I think, a very difficult Christmas, since my aunt died only several weeks ago. It will be especially hard for my Grandfather, whom my aunt lived with & helped care for. We will all miss her & our Christmas program we are dedicating to her this year. I hope that everyone out there will cherish every moment & memory they have with their loved ones, for we never know when it will be the last.

I apologize for making the post such a melancholy one. On a more cheerful note, I thought I might post a picture of two adorable kittens.

God bless to everyone,